笠井 爾示
Chikashi Kasai
2024.2.1−2.18 13:00−19:00 closed on Monday, Tuesday
HECTARE is pleased to present “River” a solo exhibition by photographer Chikashi Kasai.
Kasai began casually photographing a river flowing near his house, and has continued to photograph the same river for about five years. The light and scenery reflected in the river water are naturally not the same, and change with the four seasons and with all kinds of weather, and also with the viewer's mood.
“River” is a photographic work that, while simply a record of Kasai's daily life, gently touches the viewer's heart, and before he knows it, it has been changed into imagined scenery. We introduce the vast amount of new work “River” he has taken, and selected his best works.
笠井爾示 個展「川」によせて
私は夭逝した英国のフォークシンガーであるニック・ドレイクが大好きで、なかでも彼のその名もRiver Manたる曲を弾き語るほどに好きです。この歌だけは、自分の音痴さも忘れて朗々と歌ってしまいます。何故この曲を感情込めて歌えるかというと、和音構成の巧みさもさながら、一番の理由はその歌詞に大して(この「大して」に先の神父の言葉同様のニュアンスを感じて頂けるでしょうか?)意味がないからなのです。その内容は主語も登場しない“私”とRiver Manなる男との車の貸し借りやライラックの季節のプランについて話さなきゃ、といった他愛ないものです。しかしだからこそ其処には川辺の生活と景色が想像力豊かに立ち上がり、ドラマがないからこその詩情すらが生まれてきます。この感覚はジム・ジャームッシュのStranger Than Paradiseを初めて観たときの感動なき感動に近い感覚があります。Stranger Than Paradiseを観終えて劇場を後にしたとき、えもいわれぬ喜びを感じたのを覚えています。他の作品のように、非日常から日常に戻る感覚ではなく、大して何もない日常から地続きに日常へと戻る感じでしたが、その日常は作品を観る前と違い、“ちょっと”だけ楽しく感じましたが、その“ちょっと”は、どう表現したらよいやら、“ちょっと”であると同時に大変に豊かなのです。じわり込み上げてくるような。
信國 太志 (テーラー/デザイナー)
For the solo exhibition “River” by Chikashi Kasai.
For the past several years, I have been watching the expression of the river that Kasai photographs on a daily basis.
During that time, there have been the Olympic Games, changing political leaders, and the rise and fall of various worldly affairs, but the river has continued to flow.
All the while, I have continued to make suits, which is my profession, but my life has been much more subdued than the ups and downs of my life as a designer. I would check his expression on the river today on Instagram, turn on the iron, and make the pockets. If a designer's job is to create a signature of commonality in the seasonal changes, a tailor's job may be to find subtle improvements in a job that doesn't change much. An old tailor once said on the occasion of his retirement “Tailoring is a job where tomorrow will be just a little bit better than today.”
One of my favorite episodes is the story of the Dalai Lama who met a Christian priest in Spain who had gone on a retreat for 10 years without seeing anyone and asked him “What did you gain from your training?” And he answered “I gained nothing, but I understood that living is not so good or so bad.” The Dalai Lama was so impressed that he bowed his hands in prayer before the priest.
In the movie “adaptation,” the nerdy scriptwriter played by Nicolas Cage pleads “I don't want a Hollywood storyline. In reality, there aren't many stories about sex, gunfights, heroes who succeed against all odds, and that kind of thing.”
I love Nick Drake, the British folk singer who died prematurely, and I love playing his eponymous song “River Man.” This is the only song that I forget my tone deaf and sing along to. The reason why I can sing this song with emotion is not only because of the skillful chord structure, but also because the lyrics are very meaningless. The lyrics are about “I” and a man named River Man who lends and borrows a car with no subject, or about plans for the season of lilacs. However, this is where the life and scenery of the riverside area come to life in an imaginative way, and the lack of drama gives birth to a poetic sentiment. I remember leaving the theater after watching Jim Jarmusch's “Stranger Than Paradise” with an indescribable feeling of joy. It was not a feeling of returning from the extraordinary to the ordinary like in other films, but a feeling of returning from the ordinary to the ordinary, but the ordinary was different from what it was before I saw the film. It was a “little bit” but at the same time it was very rich, like feelings rising up very slowly.
I could imagine that those who saw his exhibition “River” will leave the venue with a similar feeling and a grin on their faces.
And their daily life will seem a little richer, and the words they say to the person next to them may be a little gentler.
Taishi Nobukuni (Tailor / Designer)
1970年生まれ、写真家。『Tokyo Dance』『波珠』『東京の恋人』『七菜乃と湖』『トーキョーダイアリー』『Stuttgart』など、これまで作品集を計11冊刊行。2023年、日本写真協会作家賞受賞。
Born in 1970, photographer.
He has published a total of 11 books, “Tokyo Dance” “Naju” “Tokyo no Koibito” “Nananano : From lakeside she emerged” “Tokyo diary” “Stuttgart” etc.
In 2023, The Photographic Society of Japan/ Lifetime Achievement Award.