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苅部 太郎

Taro Karibe

2025.1.11−2.9  13:00−19:00 closed on Monday, Tuesday

この度HECTAREでは、アーティスト/写真家・苅部太郎による個展「洞窟の解剖学」を開催します。また、展示作品と併せてbookshop MがParis Photo 2024にて発表した苅部太郎作品集「Typical World」の販売も行います。

新作「Typical World」は、Typical(=典型的)というプロンプトを使用し、世の中に染み付いた共通認識へ疑問を投げかけます。典型的な眼の色、典型的な食べ物、典型的な世界などのプロンプトを画像生成AIに読み込ませると、ただならぬ異様なイメージを生成します。今作はAIに画像を生成させることによって作り出されますが、絶えず変化し続ける現代を記録した「写真的行為」そのものだと言えます。そして限られた企業によって画像生成AIが開発され、発展していくこの社会の矛盾に焦点を当てたフォトジャーナリズムでもあります。つまりAIを単なるツールではなく現代社会の既成概念を映し出す鏡として使っているのです。既に画像生成AIの作った画像枚数は、人類が150年かけて撮った枚数と同数だと言われています。大量のイメージが氾濫する現代ですが、実は限られた視点によるバイアスが強くかかっているのかもしれません。


​また1月18日(土)15時より、苅部太郎とbookshop Mの発行人であり造本家の町口覚によるトークイベントを行います。併せて、皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちしております。

HECTARE is pleased to present “Anatomy of Caves,” a solo exhibition by artist and photographer Taro Karibe. In addition to the exhibition, we will offer his photo book, “Typical World,” which was presented at Paris Photo 2024, for sale.

The new work, “Typical World,” employs the prompt “Typical” to question the common perceptions deeply ingrained in society. When prompts such as “Typical eye color,” “Typical food,” and “Typical world” are input into an AI image generator, the results are unsettling and uncanny. While these images are generated by AI, the work itself can be described as a “photographic act,” capturing the ever-changing present moment. It also functions as a form of photojournalism, highlighting the contradictions within a society shaped by AI technology developed and controlled by a select few corporations. Karibe uses AI not merely as a tool but as a mirror reflecting the preconceived notions and stereotypes of modern society. It is said that the number of images created by AI has already equaled the total number of photographs taken by humans over the past 150 years. In a world overwhelmed by an endless stream of images, there may, in fact, be a strong bias rooted in a limited range of perspectives.

Continuing from his previous work, “Aim an Arrow at the Rock in the Ocean,” this exhibition explores and expands human perception through the lens of technology. It invites us to reconsider the concept of “typical” as revealed through the ever-proliferating medium of photography.


本作で使用したStable Diffusionは、現在世界中で使われている主な画像生成AIツールのひとつで、特定の地域の特定の企業が開発している。どこかの誰かの「ものの見方」の物差しで作られている以上、生成される画像は一見虚構の世界だけで完結しているようでいて、現実の社会的規範や政治性、信念体系や偏見がたっぷりと反映されている。

画像生成AIで画像を生み出すプロンプトとして、「typical」に続けて、私の物差しで選んだ言葉を追加してみる。すると、いまのAIが見せたいありきたりな世界が写し出される。そのTypical Worldは、あらゆる次元で現実世界に影響し合い、特定の世界観が増幅されている。


Stable Diffusion, the technology that was used for the creation of this work, is currently one of the most common Al tools for image generation in the world. It was developed by a certain company in a certain region, and the images it spits out are based on the specific views and values of someone, somewhere. As such, the generated images seem to be visualizing a world that is entirely fictional, but they do in fact amply reflect social norms, political and religious systems and biases that exist in reality.

For my own Al-based generation of images, using “typical” as a prompt, I followed that with a word that I had chosen according to my own ideas, which resulted in a number of pictures of what Al wants us to believe to be showing an ordinary world. The things in that “Typical World” interact on various levels with those in the real one, while specific world-views are amplified in the process.

In a cave where all light has vanished, it is difficult to discern one's own shadow from those of other people.__Taro Karibe





主な個展に「あの海に見える岩に、弓を射よ」MASQ(東京、2024)、「電子的穴居人」HECTARE(東京、2023)、「沙織」京都国際写真祭 KG+ SELECT(京都、2021)、「Age of Photon/ INCIDENTS」IMA gallery(東京、2020)、「Saori」パディントン市庁舎, Head on Photo Festival(シドニー、2018)。グループ展に浅間国際フォトフェスティバル(長野、2023)、「Platform 29.8」ANB Tokyo(東京、2022)、「LUMIX MEETS/ BEYOND 2020 BY JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHERS #6」(パリ、Photo Saint Germain・アムステルダム、Unseen・東京、IMA gallery、2019)。主な受賞にMAST財団助成金ノミネート(伊、2024)、Japan Photo Award Elisa Medde賞(2024)、Tokyo Frontline Photo Award 川島崇志賞 (東京、2023)など。

Born 1988 in Aichi. Tokyo-based Artist/ Photographer.

His work takes the complex aspects of today's reality back to the roots of media technology and perceptual systems to re-grasp them.

Major solo shows include ‘Aim an Arrow at the Rock in the Ocean’ MASQ (Tokyo, 2024), ‘Electric Caveman’, HECTARE (Tokyo, 2023), ‘Saori’, Kyotographie, KG+ SELECT (Kyoto, 2021); ‘Age of Photon/ INCIDENTS’, IMA gallery (Tokyo, 2020); ‘Saori’, Paddington Town Hall, Head on Photo Festival (Sydney, 2018). Group shows include ‘ASAMA INTERNATIONAL PHOTO FESTIVAL’ (Nagano, 2023), ‘Platform 29.8’ ANB Tokyo (Tokyo, 2022) and ‘LUMIX MEETS/ BEYOND 2020 BY

JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHERS #6’ (Paris/Photo Saint Germain, Amsterdam/Unseen, Tokyo/ IMA gallery, 2019). Major awards include MAST Photography Grant Nominated (Italy, 2024), Japan Photo Award Elisa Medde Prize (2024), and Tokyo Frontline Photo Award Takashi Kawashima Prize (Tokyo, 2022).

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